Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just Joy

So I have been going through a long spell where I am just tired of being at home all the time with toddlers. I am especially longing to go back to work. Why, I am not sure. I think if I was just at home with my own little girl it would be a very different experience, but I find myself losing patience with the other kids much too easily.

So today's joy came as a bit of a surprise. Its early morning and I only have 2 girls today, mine and her best friend, which is a blessing after having had three several days a week for the last month and a half. Well, the sudden urge to use the bathroom came over me, and as usual I announced "Mama is going to the potty, do you want to come with me?". This announcement is usually greeted with "yes" in some fashion and then we spend my bathroom time talking about poop and pee and they take turns sitting on their potty while I sit on mine. A little embarrassing to be so open with my private time, but this affords an opportunity both for early toilet training and supervision.

Well this morning was a rare occasion where they just said "no". But have to go I did, so I went into the bathroom and started to do my thing. Then I started to hear loud thumping in the living room. My concern was that they decided this would be a good opportunity to jump on the couch and then to jump off the couch. So from my vulnerable position I began asking questions "are you girls being good?", "do you want to come sit on the potty?" and after no responses and continued thumping accompanied by squealing, a clear sign of present danger, my questions became more desperate "where is your favorite doll?" "What is the doggy doing?" in an attempt to distract them from whatever horrible activity they cooked up. Finally I finished my business and ran into the living room, only to discover that both girls, huge grins across their faces, were hugging themselves and spinning in circles on the carpet until they fell down. Then they would squeal or say "Bridget fall down" etc. and do it again.

I had thought the worst of them, but they gave me the best moment I have had in the last few weeks. Watching them enjoy their game and each other's company was priceless. Sometimes I just want to give up, but I shouldn't. Because they are already becoming funny, wonderful, responsible little people.

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