Friday, January 29, 2010

Joy in Jumping

Today we visited our local Cartwheels and Coffee, a coffee shop that has an indoor play area complete with slide, dress up clothes, balls, and tumbling things. In one end of the play area is a big tube that is perfect for jumping on. My toddler and her little buddy took turns holding an adults hands and just jumping for joy, literally, over and over for the good part of an hour. As she is sleeping soundly after our jumping excursion, I love that she finds such joy in life she just needs to jump it out. So here is to jumping. An expression that adults have all but forgotten, but can embrace at any moment. Seriously. Get up from your chair and jump around for just a minute. Yeah... it is fun isn't it?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Joy in Escaping

I know I started this blog to talk about all the joys of being with my toddler, but yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a conference in my former field of expertise.  A friend babysat my bundle of joy and I was able to leave the house for once and interact with other adults who did not want to discuss babies. It was wonderful. I returned to a child who was happily playing with her toddler friends, and I thought, even though I love being with my baby, today I will be joyful in the escape; and perhaps in returning home too.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 1, Blog 1: Cuddles

This morning my toddler woke up around 5am. Contrary to my usual pattern, I decided to let her cry for a few minutes to see if she would put herself back to sleep. After all, there are 2 pacifiers in her crib, a teddy bear, a sock doll, and two blankets. Surely any one of those would be enough to signal her that it is time to go back to sleep. But to no avail. You see, she went from wakeful to fearful and left sleepy behind.

Usually when she won't go back to sleep I just bring her into bed with me. She spent the first year of her life in our bed after all. But lately she has only wanted to play once we bring her into bed and we spend 2 hours wrestling with a toddler who is not sleepy but very interested in pinching our noses.

So this morning, we went into the dark living room and cuddled up in the rocking chair with a blanket. Now I have never been a morning person, but strangely today it was just so peaceful rocking with her. She wrapped her little arms around my neck and laid her head down and I may always remember that moment. It was as if I was saying to her "Mommy is here, you can go back to sleep" and she was saying to me "Oh thank goodness, I couldn't bear it without you". What joy. Blissfully I was able to put her back down in her bed and we both slept in extra late this morning, but what a precious moment with my daughter. So to all you weary moms, find a moment in the day (or night) to appreciate what a gift you have in your toddler. Most importantly, make sure you get in a cuddle.

Why am I here?

Over the past few weeks I have found it very frustrating to be the mother of a toddler. Nearly every day I have broken down into tears because I just want my old life back - the one where I travelled, fit into my pants, worked for bosses that didn't scream when I disagreed with them, enjoyed alone time with my husband.... Basically, I have been feeling sorry for myself.

But today, I have decided that rather than wallowing in self pity over a life that obviously was lacking enough that I chose to add a baby to my life, I will search each day for something to find joy about. Specifically, something wonderful about raising a toddler. My daughter is 17 months and she is wonderful. She deserves a mother that adores being with her; and I deserve joy.

So here it is. My blog all about toddlers and finding joy in the everyday. Because the days drag on so slowly, but the years go by in the blink of an eye.

Please feel free to comment or share - but remember this blog is about finding the JOY in your toddler and in being a Mom.